
Showing posts from December, 2017

Playing away from home

Where to this time? Four years ago Charita and I had our first winter holiday. We spent a week in Budapest and I discovered a back street bottle shop called Csak a jo sor!   (not just good beer) , which had a tap room and a couple of tables for punters to sit and drink. They had a very nice malty ale on tap, and fridges full of mostly imported beers. I found three local brews to take home with me. Having thus discovered that trips to Europe were cheaper at that time of year and that the weather – in Hungary, at least - was equable, it became a tradition. This year we headed to Iceland. You will find my report on the trip later in this blog. Our most memorable winter holiday wasn’t in November but in February last year when we visited first Prague then Berlin. In Prague we took in the Prague Beer Museum ( not a museum!). That’s me in the picture above, with a sampling tray. On our second evening in Berlin I decided that we should trek out to the Hops and Barley , a