
Showing posts from June, 2018

Is it curtains for CAMRA?

The battle for CAMRA's soul If you take any interest in the social history of beer in the UK then you'll be aware of CAMRA. One of the most successful consumer-led campaigns of modern times, it was set up in 1971. Its creators were four disgruntled Northern beer drinkers who were fed up with the quality of the beer in their local pubs and decided to do something about it. They discovered that the main reason for the decline in quality had to do with two things. The first was the change from most beer being allowed to continue to ferment in the pub cellar, to beer being pasteurised before it even left the brewery. The second was the growing inability of landlords whose beer did mature in the cellar to look after it properly. Beer either tasted dull and fizzy - the keg version - or rank and sour - the badly kept cask version. I was brought up on the dull and fizzy kind. I was a teenager in the late1960s and when I started sneaking into pubs, and going to parties