
Showing posts from April, 2021

Has Lockdown 3.0 saved cask ale?

 I'd rather (not) be picking up bottles and cans The Foghorn, Portslade - where else? It's the morning when Lockdown 3.0 ends and people the length and breadth of the country are, like me, in a state of suppressed excitement at the thought that, in just a few hours, we'll all be able, finally, to go to the pub. It's not quite back to normal, of course, because we won't be able to go indoors yet. We'll be huddled against walls, cowering under awnings, braving the crappy English weather and all for what? For a pint of cask ale. Let's be clear - apart from being able to talk to other people outside of the house without risking the frowns of passers-by, the thing that we've been deprived of these many months, is cask. Bottles and cans, from a bewildering array of breweries, both UK and beyond, have been easy to come by, and takeaway containers of keg beer don't taste markedly different from the same brew served in a pub. But cask is different. Even takea