
Showing posts from January, 2024

Goatee Phil's Review of 2023

Where I'm at Well, let's be honest. I feel in much better shape at the start of 2024 than I did this time last year. I had just been diagnosed with cancer and I had no idea what the prognosis would be. I only knew that I felt grim. You can tell how grim by looking at the picture here. This was taken in early March, at the newly opened Drop Bar in Brighton's Open Market. It had been my intention to go from there to the Amex, to watch Brighton thrash West Ham (which they did - the score was 4-0) but I felt too sick. Instead, I went home and spent the rest of the weekend in bed. Twelve months further on and I am now on medication which is making a difference. And I feel a whole lot better!  But what the whole experience made me realise was that perhaps, at 70 years of age, it was time I considered retirement so, at the end of October, I finally gave up work. I'd recommend it. Drinking around Now that my health has stabilised, holidays are back on the agenda. We managed tw